About Us
About Us
The industrious and intelligent Sinagri Yingtai people adhere to the core values of “Let the antibacterial peptides benefit all mankind”. With strong scientific research strength and high-quality products, they are steadily building high-end, large-scale, bio-industry groups.
Strive to stand out in the cause of protecting human food safety and life and health, TEDA world!


Sinagri YingTai, let Antimicrobial peptides benefit all mankind!

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Copyright: Linzhou Sinagri YingTai Bio-peptide Co., Ltd.

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  • Animal protection, veterinary medicine
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  • Contact Us
  • Tel:0372-6123611
  • Fax:0372-6123612
  • Email:znytlz@126.com
  • URL:http://www.zhnyt.com
  • Address:No. 8, Luban Avenue, Linzhou City, Henan Province,China